Intellego is a multinational which offers services and consulence to companies on the risk management linked to “Key Assets”. Since 1987 we have provided our clients with the necessary protection for people, information and infrastructures. Using our consolidated competencies and applying a multidisciplinary approach to risk management we offer consultant advice through various services and technologies.
Released by the Prefecture of Rome N. 290678 / AREA I TER O.S.P. – ex art. 134 T.U.L.P.S. And art. 5 paragraph 1, letters a) and II) of D.M. 269/2010 for private investigations and, N. 60790 / AREA I TER O.S.P. For the research and identification of evidence to be made in the context of the criminal proceedings pursuant to art. 134 of the TULPS, 222 of Legislative Decree 271/89 and 5, paragraph 1 ‘, letter a. V) of DM 269/2010.
Competencies & Strategies
Combining “Fraud Editor” and “Investigation”, we will run verification ahead of a potential litigation, giving companies time to elaborate a strategy to use in a possible trial.
We realize bespoke projects and solutions based on our client’s needs. We believe in standard models as points of reference, which need to be adapted with professionality and competencies.