The General Assembly of Univ, National Union Institutes of Supervisors, highlighted the key points of a year that – said Anna Maria Davey, secretary general of the Univ – “Saw us, not without twists, conquer the first place in terms of employers representation”. At the heart of the debate, the renewal of the CCNL sector: for the President of the Union Committee of Univ, Claudio Magon, “the only way to define a contractual instrument adapted to the changed social, normative and regulatory context, is a new formulation adhering to reality”. The renewal platform, which will be presented at OO.SS. On the occasion of the forthcoming opening of negotiations, will be further shared with the associative base, as well as other associations. Private supervision: The CCNL at the centre of the Univ Assembly.
Luigi Gabriele, President of Univ and Federsicurezza, illustrated the main aspects of the renewal platform: “We have aimed at effective updating of contractual institutions such as the change of contracts, the lack of sickness, working time and flexibility, so as to be able to respond to new market needs and, above all, to revitalise the competitiveness of our companies.