Criminal intrusions aimed at subtracting sensitive data and strategic content for our businesses are becoming more frequent.
Intellego, the investigation agency authorized by ex art. 134, can conduct technical investigations to detect and identify any fraudulent intrusion or interception of conversations between the present as well as any analysis of critical factors that could be exploited for illicit initiatives taken against the company. Telephone informative environmental reclamations.
In particular, Intellego performs for important industrial realities: site inspections and radio spectrum analysis from VLF to SHF in order to detect any interception devices, both audio and video, using any type of modulation, both analogue and digital; Electronic and physical examination of the telephone systems present inside the premises and of the eventual control unit in order to identify any interception devices; Electronic examination of premises, furniture, and walls in order to detect, by means of nonlinear junction detectors, any electronic devices of any nature occluded, whether extinguished or not; Analysis of electrical and electronic cabling in the premises in order to identify possible interception means; Assessment of the physical structure of the premises and their facilities; Visual and manual inspections for detecting devices that can be activated at a distance and cannot be detected.